Poetic Emotions: Compassion In Sophocles



Sophocles, Pathos, Compassion, Women of Trachis


Within the framework of studies on emotions, in this work we address compassion in Greek Antiquity. We carry out a review of central aspects that characterize compassion and establish some clarifications that guide our analysis; among other aspects, we look over the Greek terms to name this emotion, éleos and oíktos, and the meanings involved in each of them since Homer. The analysis of compassion takes Sophocles' Trachiniae and Oedipus the King as sources. In both cases, the starting point is the pathetic event or páthos, which in Poet. 1452b11-13 refers not to a subjective experience of emotion in a tragic character, but to a kind of action that would form part of the theatrical lexicon and that involves scenes of physical pain, wounds, or death. The analysis then looks at other passages that, in the course of the piece and through imitation, incorporate this emotion.


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Author Biography

Katia Obrist, Departamento de Letras Facultad de Humanidades Universidad Nacional del Comahue

KATIA OBRIST es Profesora y Licenciada en Letras con Orientación en Clásicas y Especialista en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género por la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Es Profesora Adjunta en la Orientación Lengua y Literatura Griega del Área Clásicas en esa institución. Ha participado en proyectos de investigación relacionados con la filología, literatura y filosofía griegas; presenta periódicamente ponencias en congresos y cuenta con publicaciones en revistas especializadas. Correo electrónico: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Obrist, K. (2023). Poetic Emotions: Compassion In Sophocles. Páginas De Filosofía, 24(27), 127–145. Retrieved from http://939821.21dyvlrb.asia/index.php/filosofia/article/view/5552



Dossier “Educación y afectos en la Antigüedad”


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