The cancellation of intimacy as a cause of the current political madness
Psychoanalysis, Policy, Craziness, Privacy, QuarantineAbstract
Sergio Zabalza offers us a reading about current events and in particular the social and political panorama of our country. Panorama in which madness emerges as an unavoidable fact in the last and hectic years of political life. The author highlights the discursive imprint of our first president, who alternates crazy proposals with attitudes that fluctuate between aggression and madness. In his writing we will find a series of coordinates that explain the reasons why a speaking community leaned mostly towards a far-right option that also has the aforementioned discursive characteristics. Among the factors considered, the notion of intimacy and its relationship to the Other is carefully and especially worked on, as well as the effects produced on the subjects by the annulment of that intimacy and a confinement in individualism determined – among other factors – by the quarantine-confinement during the COVID 19 pandemic, making a series of essential clarifications about the importance of grief. After raising the particularity of psychoanalysis as a discursive practice, he will make a proposal where the intimacy of mourning for defeat allows us to envision a new and loving horizon of struggle within the framework of memory, truth and justice.
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