Ética y buenas prácticas editoriales

The Pilquen Journal Social Sciences Section is a publication resulting from the collective effort of authors, editors and reviewers, interested in the development of topics related to the social sciences, in relation to literature, linguistics, communication, political science and public administration.

Since its creation in 1998 in open access, it supports this policy, which today extends worldwide, and ensures that its articles are available in diamond open access.

This section describes the principles of practice applied by the Journal Pilquen Social Sciences Section. The editors and editorial team have considered the guidelines used worldwide to solve specific problems of scientific editorial practice. In particular, the instructions given by the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics). For this reason, it guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process and adheres to the commitment not to publish any work that has a component of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or fraud. If any of these elements are detected in any text, it will be withdrawn from publication <http://www.accesoabiertoalyc.org/declaracion-mexico/>

In this sense, we invite authors, researchers and reviewers to adopt the international guidelines related to the ethics of publications that we express here.

Peer review

Peer review is fundamental to maintain publication standards. The Pilquen Journal Social Sciences Section seeks to:

    1. Provide adequate support to facilitate rigorous, fair and effective peer review for publication. Suggest to editors and reviewers that they are aware of and act in accordance with COPE guidelines. This includes raising any concerns regarding fraudulent or manipulated peer review.
    2. Protect the confidentiality of all reviewers and ensure that there is no conflict of interest with authors.


A researcher's contributions to an area of knowledge give the credit of 'author' and imply responsibilities. To be an author, a researcher must:

  • Have made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the research work; to the   acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; to the evaluation of the application of the contribution proposed by the work; to the writing of the draft article or in the critical revision of its important intellectual content; to the approval of the final version of the manuscript submitted for evaluation in the journal.
  • Agree to be responsible for all aspects of the paper to ensure that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the paper are adequately investigated and resolved.


Duplicate and redundant publications

Duplicate or redundant publication occurs when an article, or a large part of it, is published more than once by the author of the work, regardless of language. In addition, it also includes significant overlap between two or more works without adequate cross-referencing or justification for the overlap.

In this sense, the Pilquen Journal Social Sciences Section does not admit this type of publications, so the Journal's team of editors uses Internet search tools to track duplicate publications.


The policy of the journal is to publish original works written by those who claim authorship and unpublished works. These works must not have been previously published in any other printed or electronic media, with the exception of those articles invited by the journal, which will be clearly identified.
In order to respond to the most common plagiarism practices, such as translations, fragmentation of results or "salami slicing", duplication, etc., the journal uses a specific procedure to avoid them:
By the time an article is submitted, authors must indicate that it has not been published or sent to any other journal for the review process. In addition, they are asked to indicate that they are following the author's guidelines, which state that articles must be original.
Before the review process takes place, Internet search tools are used to track other papers by the author(s) and verify the title, abstract excerpts, methodology and results sections of the submitted article, in order to ascertain originality and avoid plagiarism.

Authors who resort to plagiarism or malpractice may be blacklisted for publication.

Submissions containing suspected plagiarism, in whole or in part, will be rejected.

If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the editors of the Pilquen Journal Social Sciences Section will follow COPE retraction guidelines:

Errata and retractions
The content of articles published in the journal may be corrected if, during the review or editing stages or even after publication, the author or editor finds or is informed of undetected errors. Depending on the type, seriousness and/or consequences of the error, the following options may be considered:
- Errata: refers to the correction of one or more errors despite which the article may remain published.
- A retraction is the recognition of errors that are serious enough to invalidate the results or conclusions of the article; therefore, the entire article should be removed. Any article that has been shown to violate the journal's publication ethics statement in any way will be retracted.
- Retraction and republication: will be possible if the Editorial Board considers that it was an honest mistake (e.g., misclassification or miscalculation) that led to a major change in the direction or meaning of the results, interpretations, or conclusions. In that case, a new revision will be made and readers will be informed of the extent of the changes that were made.